Friday, September 25, 2015

Did you get a postcard asking for your information?   If so, please email or call the number and address on the card and let us know how we can contact you.  Our goal is to have your phone, address and email.   Do you know a class mate that is on the list below?   Send us that info too.   If you did not get a postcard don't worry.  That means we have all we need on you....maybe more than you know!!  HA!!  We'd appreciate your help.   We are planning a fun and memorable 50th reunion!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Hey!  If you stop by and check out this page leave a comment and say hi!  Have a question?   Write it down and we'll try to answer it.  Just click on NO COMMENT and you can leave a message.   Looking forward to hearing from you!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

We need your help!!  We are looking for updated information on the list of people below.   If you know where they are, have an email, phone number or address PLEASE click on COMMENT and give us what you have.  You can also email it to Kathy Klopsch (Kate Siler)

SAVE THE DATE!!!!!   SEPT 23-24 2016

Check back here for updates and information. Now please check the list!!!  Thanks!!!

Jim Anderson                                                   Tom Kulzak                                     Diane Franzen
Dennis Anthony                                               Brian McCallum                              Dave Hardyns
Marge Drage                                                     Janet McClurg Van Fleet                Ann Hathaway
Virginia Boardman                                            Richard Merki                                 Larry Tyler
Craig Broomhead                                              Linda Meyer Hauri                          Peggy Young Hurley
Janice Brown                                                     Karen Moellner                               Wayne Ziegler
Susan Brownlee Cogley                                     Kathy Moellner
Pam Cantagello                                                  Pam Nielsen
 Paul Coombs                                                      John Norland
Alice Davis                                                         Ann Price Strout
Mike Dehler                                                        Mary Ross
Carol Ferguson Meyer                                        Nancy Norman
Kathie Foreman Naughton                                Crystal Hagemann Gad
John Gabien                                                         Tim Shafer
Marcia Graber                                                      Sandy Slago Walters
Nancy Grizell Menditto                                       Sheri Smith Trotter
Margaret Hanlon                                                 Rick Kroll
Dennis Hanke                                                       Phil Stevenson
Judy Hochhalter                                                   Rhonda Taylor Pace
Bob Hubbard                                                       Bill Thomas
Dennis Jeske                                                        Carol West Collier
Mike Knox                                                          Alan Wheeland
Dave Larsen                                                        Linda Syring Cotter
Bonnie Larsen                                                       Ken Wright

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Some of the reunion committee hard at work looking for  classmates. (Do you recognize everyone??)   Can you help us?   Check the long list below and see if you know where any of these people are.   Plans are moving along!!!  Hope you'll mark the date on your calendar and join us!!!